Sunday, April 13, 2014

FBI Quietly Opens Secret Files That Attest HITLER WENT TO ARGENTINA Rather Than Commit Suicide... | RedFlagNews.comOpens Secret Files That Attest HITLER WENT TO ARGENTINA Rather Than Commit Suicide... |

Not surprising, but here's the proof. I love it when a conspiracy theory is no longer theory:

Almost 70 Years Late -- FBI Quietly Opens Secret Files That Attest HITLER WENT TO ARGENTINA Rather Than Commit Suicide... | Recently released FBI documents are beginning to show that not only was Hitler and Eva Braun’s suicide faked, the infamous pair might have had help from the Swiss Director of the United States OSS himself, Allen Dulles.

In one FBI document from Los Angles, it is revealed that the agency was well aware of a mysterious submarine making its way up the Argentinian coast dropping off high level Nazi officials. What is even more astonishing is the fact that the FBI knew he was in fact living in the foothills of the Andes.

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