Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wiccan High Priestess Delivers Invocation At Iowa House of Representatives - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins

Good news, one for our side. But I can't help also feeling frustrated and rattled by the outrageous ignorance and hypocrisy of many Christians who insist on maintaining their woefully stupid understanding (or lack of) pagan-wiccan traditions:

Wiccan High Priestess Delivers Invocation At Iowa House of Representatives - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins: EDITOR’S NOTE: The first time this happened in American government, almost two years ago, it made all the headlines for days on end. But not anymore. In an amazingly short time, we have gotten used to having occult, pagan prayers being offered up to Satan at the highest levels of local, state and federal government. America is collapsing while we watch. America is being inundated with demonic spirits, and is doing very little to counteract the attack. What America needs is some old-fashioned street preachers with a King James Bible and some gospel tracts. Get back in the game, Christian…to the FIGHT!

Many citizens stood outside and prayed while the invocation was presented, and others inside turned their backs in protest. Still, it's a start.

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