Sunday, February 1, 2015

Texas school suspends 9-year-old for making ‘terroristic threats’ with magic ‘Hobbit’ ring

When I first saw this item about the suspension of a 9 year old for talking about his "magic ring" and telling a student he could make him disappear with it, I thought it was a joke. Original source, The Daily Current or some similar spoof publication. But, no, it is sadly, all too true. Kid suspend from the fourth grade for making "threats":

Texas school suspends 9-year-old for making ‘terroristic threats’ with magic ‘Hobbit’ ring: Kermit Elementary Principal Roxanne Greer told the Odessa American that she could not comment on the suspension, because “all student stuff is confidential,” but Steward said that she told him that any and all threats to a child’s safety — including magical ones — would be taken seriously by the school.
I love the educational jargon used by the principal "…all student stuff…" it's not a coffee break with your friends, you're an educator talking to the media. Although, we are talking about a school that suspend a kid for making "terroristic threats" with a toy ring having imaginary magical powers.

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