Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Vatican's War on Women; This Time It's Nuns

Brane Space: Vatican Sics Bishop Enforcers on Nuns!

We knew that there might be payback after a goodly number of nuns protested in the wake of Catholic challenges to the contraception provision in Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Those nuns understood the range of harm that would befall millions of women if denied such access, especially when the pill is used so much for control of health problems such as endometriosis.

Now, we learn the Vatican has ordered a crack down on a particular group of nuns, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Evidently, the Vatican praised the nuns for "promoting social justice" but slammed them for protesting Church doctrine "on homosexuals and women's ordination" though one suspect the real reason was their full throated defense of Obama's health plan. 

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