Thursday, February 5, 2009

No Worship On 'Virgin Mary Hill'

The crackdown on acknowledging appearances of the BVM in Africa: (thanks to The Daily Grail for the item.)

No worship on 'Virgin Mary' hill
By Prime Ndikumagenge
BBC News, Bujumbura

Virgin Mary image
Worshippers claim only those with a "special gift" see the apparition

Worship has been banned on a small rural hill in Burundi, where a woman claims to see the Virgin Mary on the same day of every month.

Keeping with Fortean tradition, the woman is twenty-three years old. Esoteric minded individuals know that twenty-three is a big time high strangeness number.

The local government, and the Church -- neither are amused:
"The archibishop of the northern diocese has formally advised worshippers to stop going to see Euzebie while the church investigates" - Edouard Nduwimana
Provincial governor

The religious and the curious are "trouble makers" as the government refers to them. To make sure people stay away and follow both the law, and the Vatican's, pronouncement to stay away, they've put police in the area.


Ben Fairhall said...

Great blog, fascinating material!

Regan Lee said...

Thank you Ben.