Monday, April 15, 2013

Cracking Down on Nuns

The new Pope's symbolic feet washing of women was seen by some as a positive and forward thinking gesture. Not so fast; some of us more cynically minded saw it as a stage act, a slighelgh of hand moment in the Vatican's ushering in of the new Pope Francis. However, the new Pope is continuing the Vatican's war on women:
Pope Francis supports crackdown on US nuns - Yahoo! News: VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican said Monday that Pope Francis supports the Holy See's crackdown on the largest umbrella group of U.S. nuns, dimming hopes that a Jesuit pope whose emphasis on the poor mirrored the nuns' own social outreach would take a different approach than his predecessor.

The Vatican last year imposed an overhaul of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious after determining the sisters took positions that undermined Catholic teaching on the priesthood and homosexuality while promoting "radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith." Investigators praised the nuns' humanitarian work, but accused them of ignoring critical issues, including fighting abortion.
The Vatican has been going after so-called renegade nuns; Ope Francis is just following the Vatican's line. See related posts Vatican's War on Women: this time it's nuns, and Vatican Weighs in on Cult Like Group.

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